There are a lot of different pests that you can encounter when it is time to take care of your commercial property.  You have the perfect home there with all of the warmth, the protection, and often some good food as well. You need to consider how you can take care of the pests and keep them far from your property so that you do not get your customers safe and to make sure that there is no damage that will happen to the property either.


Insects are often difficult to control because there can be so many of them. You will often find a few around the property and there may not be a lot you can do this, but the last thing that a commercial property wants to find is a full-blown infestation. Some of the signs to look for if you are worried about an insect infestation includes:


# You are going to spot more insects inside the property than usual. They can be flying around or crawling depending on the type and what they want to do. You should also check some of the hidden areas like within cracks and crevices of shelves, especially if you have a lot of wood to worry about.

# You start to see the remains of the insects including body parts, cast skins, and whole carcasses.

# Droppings. These can often look like poppy seeds rather than traditional droppings, so keep that in mind.

# You notice that there are piles of powder or fine dust around the home.

# If you have some bigger insects in the property, it is possible that you will hear some noises like scurrying around the property. This can happen in the loft or the inside of the walls.


When you notice some of these signs, then it is time to call the professionals and have them take care of the insect problem as soon as possible. The right professionals can come into your property and take control of the pest infestation quickly, giving you some of the peace of mind that you deserve.


Trust our team for all of your commercial pest control in Bellingham. We have a lot of different options that you are able choose from for your commercial building or your home. We will come out and check out the property to see what pest is there and how we are able to help. We know that you need to get rid of those pests and get them under control as quickly as possible. Contact a member of our team today to schedule your consultation and see what we can do for you!