If you live in the subtropical state of Florida, you may be wondering what indoor plants you want to use to decorate your apartment with this spring. Maybe you want to bring in a little of that sun-splashed energy of Florida’s beaches, or the serene calm of the wetlands and mangrove forests. If you have apartments in east Orlando you may want to recreate a lush indoor jungle to add a touch of greenery to your home. There are lots of tropical plants that are suitable for apartment living which can give your living space that feel of the tropics.


Peace Lily

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is a great choice for indoor apartments for a few reasons. To begin with, it fits the tropical vibe perfectly with large elegant white flowers and dark, green, glossy leaves. Peace lilies make any space look very sophisticated and high-class. Not only are peace lilies classy and tropical, but they are also known to be great air purifiers. So you can decorate with finesse and improve the air quality of your home at the same time!


Snake Plant

Not only does the snake plant (Sansevieria) kind of have a jungle-y name, but it also makes for one of the more indestructible indoor plants. This hardy plant has striking foliage which comes off as pretty dramatic and is great for expressing your own sense of personality in a space. Snake plants can tolerate low light and infrequent watering so it is ideal for the less-than-optimal growing conditions of some apartments as well as the busy lifestyles of most people these days.



Maybe you are looking for more color in your indoor tropical forest. If so, the Croton (Codiaeum variegatum) makes a great choice. Croton plants have very vibrant and variegated leaves which come in colors like red, orange, yellow, and green. These tropical plants do best in bright indirect light making them ideal for windowsills or covered decks.


Heartleaf Philodendron

If you have limited space for indoor plants but still want that tropical vibe, consider getting a hanging plant the Heartleaf Philodendron. The Heartleaf Philodendron is a trailing vine that is easy to care for and thieves in low to medium light. This makes it perfect to place in hanging baskets or on shelves, making use of space that is already there rather than needing to take up a ton of space on its own.


Bird of Paradise

A list of indoor tropical plants would not be complete if it did not include the illustrious Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae). This plant has remarkable, bird-shaped flowers and large banana-like leaves. They come in bloom colors of white, cream, yellow, orange, and gold. They are a bit more picky about care, requiring bright indirect light and frequent watering without becoming overwatered.



Lastly, honorable mention must be made of the humble fern. There are many ferns you can add to your apartment to create a lush green recreation of the tropics. Ferns have differing maintenance needs so be sure to learn what your specific species of fern needs to flourish. Overall, there are lots of tropical plants that can thrive indoors in the apartment setting, whether you are looking for subtle charm or dramatic flare.