Kia ora! I’m Ricky Ashworth, and today I’m excited to share some valuable insights about selecting the best shopping trolley for your needs. Whether you're a retailer looking to upgrade your fleet or a shopper seeking the perfect trolley, understanding these essential features will make your decision easier and more informed. In this blog, we'll explore the five key attributes to look for in a shopping trolley and why Mills Display should be your go-to shopping trolleys supplier.

Durability and Strength

First and foremost, durability and strength are crucial features to consider. A shopping trolley must withstand the daily rigours of use, including heavy loads and frequent handling. The materials used in constructing the trolley play a significant role in its durability. Look for trolleys made from high-quality steel or aluminium, as these materials offer the best strength and longevity.

Durable trolleys not only last longer but also provide better value for money. Retailers won't need to replace them as often, and shoppers can rely on them to carry their groceries without fear of breakage. Additionally, strong trolleys contribute to a safer shopping experience, reducing the risk of accidents caused by faulty equipment.


The ability to easily manoeuvre a shopping trolley is another essential feature. A well-designed trolley should glide smoothly across the floor, even when fully loaded. This is largely determined by the quality of the wheels and the design of the trolley's frame. Swivel wheels, for instance, allow for easy turning and navigating tight spaces.

Maneuverability is especially important in crowded supermarkets and retail environments. Shoppers appreciate trolleys that are easy to push and steer, as it enhances their overall shopping experience. For retailers, providing trolleys that move effortlessly can lead to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Ergonomic Design

An ergonomic design ensures that the shopping trolley is comfortable to use for people of all ages and physical abilities. This includes having handles at a suitable height, a lightweight structure, and a design that reduces the strain on the user’s back and arms. Trolleys with adjustable handles can accommodate users of different heights, making them more versatile.

Ergonomic trolleys not only improve comfort but also encourage customers to shop more. When shoppers are comfortable, they are likely to spend more time in the store, which can translate into higher sales. Additionally, an ergonomic design can help reduce workplace injuries for employees who frequently handle the trolleys.

Safety Features

Safety should always be a priority when selecting a shopping trolley. Look for trolleys with features like child seats with safety belts, anti-tip mechanisms, and smooth edges to prevent injuries. Child seats allow parents to shop with ease, knowing their children are secure, while anti-tip mechanisms ensure the trolley remains stable even on uneven surfaces.

Retailers must prioritise safety to prevent accidents and potential liability issues. Providing trolleys with comprehensive safety features can also enhance the store’s reputation as a family-friendly and responsible business. Shoppers will feel more at ease knowing that their safety and the safety of their children are considered.

Capacity and Versatility

Finally, the capacity and versatility of a shopping trolley are important factors. Trolleys come in various sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that suits the typical shopping habits of your customers. For example, smaller trolleys may be ideal for quick trips, while larger trolleys are better for big grocery hauls. Some trolleys also come with additional baskets or compartments for organising items.

Versatile trolleys can cater to a broader range of shopping needs, making them a valuable asset for any retail store. By offering trolleys with different capacities, retailers can ensure that every customer finds a suitable option, enhancing their overall shopping experience.