When you are looking for a new apartment and figuring out the features and amenities you want to have, a lot of things may come to mind. How many bedrooms, will there be a balcony, or is there access to a communal pool are all common questions you might be asking. One thing you may not as commonly think about is whether or not to get an apartment with a safe. Apartments like these apartments in Lake Street Kirkland have safes in some of their units so is that something you need? Why might a safe be a good idea and are there alternatives?


Why a Safe Might Be Useful

At its core, a safe is a place where you can keep your valuable items secure. This can be any number of items, anything you deem as valuable or that has great monetary value. This can be things like jewelry, important documents, and money. A good safe can protect important items from being stolen. Even if someone breaks into your apartment, they won’t be able to take what’s inside the safe. Having a safe can also help in case of a fire. Some safes are fireproof, meaning they can withstand high temperatures. This means that important papers, like passports or birth certificates, can be preserved, even if there’s a fire.


The Cost Factor

To cut straight to the quick, the reality is that apartments with safes might be a bit more expensive than those without. Sometimes, landlords might charge more rent for this added feature so it’s important to consider if the extra cost is worth it to you. For some people, the security of their belongings is worth the extra money.


Space Considerations

Another thing to consider is the space a safe takes up. Some safes are small and can fit in a closet or under a bed. Others are larger and take up more room. It’s good to think about how much space is available in the apartment before choosing a safe. If space is limited, a smaller safe might be a better option.


Alternatives to Having a Safe

If getting an apartment with a safe isn’t possible but having a safe is important to you, there are other options. One option is to buy a portable safe. These can be bought and placed in any apartment and they offer a similar level of security without needing to move into a more expensive apartment. Another option is to use a bank safety deposit box. This way, important items can be stored at the bank, keeping them protected without needing a safe at home.


Final Thoughts

Deciding whether to get an apartment with a safe is a personal choice and depends largely on how valuable your items are, the cost, and how much peace of mind you want. Whether choosing an apartment with a built-in safe, buying a portable one, or using a bank’s services, keeping valuables secure is important.