The Need for a Getaway

After months of back-to-back meetings, project deadlines, and the general hustle of corporate life, I was yearning for a break. Living in New Zealand has its advantages, particularly the ease of access to some of the most stunning natural landscapes. This time, I decided to try a cathedral cove charter – a decision that turned out to be one of the best I’ve made.

The Magic of Cathedral Cove

Cathedral Cove, located on the Coromandel Peninsula, is one of New Zealand’s most iconic spots. Known for its picturesque archway, clear waters, and golden sand, it’s a must-visit destination. However, rather than taking the usual route via the walking track, I opted for a private charter, departing from Flaxmill Bay. This allowed me to experience the cove in a unique and tranquil way.

Setting Sail from Flaxmill Bay

Flaxmill Bay is the perfect starting point for a charter to Cathedral Cove. Arriving early in the morning, I was greeted by our skipper, Emma. Her warm welcome and deep knowledge of the area promised a great day ahead. The boat was well-equipped, with comfortable seating, snorkeling gear, and even paddleboards for some added adventure.

The Journey to Cathedral Cove

The journey from Flaxmill Bay to Cathedral Cove is a treat in itself. The coastline is dotted with hidden coves, dramatic cliffs, and lush greenery. Emma shared interesting tidbits about the various landmarks we passed, adding depth to the scenic views. The boat’s smooth ride and the gentle sea breeze set a relaxing tone for the day.

Arrival at Cathedral Cove

Approaching Cathedral Cove from the water is a sight to behold. The majestic archway, framed by rugged cliffs and lush vegetation, looked even more impressive from this perspective. Emma anchored the boat a short distance from the shore, allowing us to swim or paddleboard to the beach. The water was crystal clear, making the short swim an enjoyable start to our exploration.

Exploring the Cove

Once on the beach, the beauty of Cathedral Cove was even more striking. The iconic archway is larger than it appears in photos, and walking through it felt surreal. The beach was surprisingly quiet, thanks to our early arrival and the fact that we avoided the usual walking track crowd. This tranquility allowed us to fully appreciate the natural beauty around us.

Snorkeling and Paddleboarding

The waters around Cathedral Cove are perfect for snorkeling. The marine life is vibrant, and the underwater landscape is just as captivating as the view above. Emma had pointed out the best spots for snorkeling, and we were not disappointed. Schools of colorful fish, playful sea creatures, and fascinating rock formations made for an exciting underwater adventure.

For those who prefer staying above water, paddleboarding around the cove is a great option. The calm waters make it ideal for beginners, and the views from the paddleboard are simply stunning. Gliding over the clear blue sea, with the dramatic cliffs of Cathedral Cove as a backdrop, was an experience I’ll never forget.

A Beachside Picnic

Emma had arranged a beachside picnic for us, featuring local delicacies and fresh fruits. Enjoying a meal on the sandy shores of Cathedral Cove, with the sound of waves gently lapping in the background, was a highlight of the day. If you’re planning a charter to Cathedral Cove, I highly recommend arranging for a picnic. It’s a delightful way to make the most of your time at the beach.

The Journey Back

After a few hours of exploration, snorkeling, and relaxation, it was time to head back to Flaxmill Bay. The return journey offered a different perspective, with the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the landscape. Emma took a different route, showing us more hidden gems along the coastline.

Tips for Your Cathedral Cove Charter

  1. Book in Advance: Private charters can be in high demand, especially during peak seasons. Booking early ensures you get the date and time you prefer.
  2. Communicate Your Interests: Let the crew know if you’re interested in activities like snorkeling, paddleboarding, or a beachside picnic. They can tailor the experience to your preferences.
  3. Pack Essentials: Sunscreen, a hat, swimwear, and a good camera are must-haves. Also, bring a towel and a change of clothes for after water activities.
  4. Arrive Early: Starting early helps you avoid the crowds and enjoy a more peaceful experience at popular spots like Cathedral Cove.
  5. Relax and Enjoy: The beauty of a private charter is the luxury and flexibility it offers. Take the time to relax, soak in the views, and enjoy the personalized service.


A private charter to Cathedral Cove is more than just a visit to a beautiful beach; it’s a journey to paradise. From the stunning coastal scenery and vibrant marine life to the tranquility of the cove itself, every moment of the trip is memorable. Departing from Flaxmill Bay adds an extra touch of convenience and beauty to the experience. If you’re looking to escape the corporate grind and immerse yourself in one of New Zealand’s natural wonders, I highly recommend booking a Cathedral Cove charter. It’s an adventure that promises relaxation, adventure, and lasting memories.